Starting soon! SDB #9!

Hi All,
Kick off for the 9th SDB is fast approaching in some regions. I hope to see @amzamz , @onidiras @melodi_96 among our first posters for the event. It's always a pleasure to see familiar 'handles' and welcome everyone joining this experience and participating, whether it's posting observations or helping with identifications @yayemaster.
Here in Trinidad and Tobago we are in our sixth day of high temperatures and blazing sun! So keeping hydrated, taking frequent breaks and exploring early morning or late afternoon and evening is key to being safe.
Let us know what the weather conditions are like in your region and how you're keeping safe. See you all soon :-) !


Posted on September 26, 2020 02:56 PM by magichin magichin


Here just southwest of Stockholm, Sweden, we have 16 degrees C and overcast right now after a day of rain keeping us indoors. But the forecast for tomorrow promises 19°C and sun, so we'll see!

Posted by jensu almost 4 years ago

Very much looking forward to tomorrow! Here near New York it should be just under 80 F (26 C) and partly sunny; could not ask for nicer weather.

Posted by srall almost 4 years ago

@jensu so happy to have you with us again and look forward to your various sightings. I enjoy checking to see what emerges after the rains as well!

Posted by magichin almost 4 years ago

@srall anticipating your plants and pollinators. Keep safe!

Posted by magichin almost 4 years ago

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