Photo 68700337, (c) Dean Nicolle, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Dean Nicolle

Attribution © Dean Nicolle
some rights reserved
Uploaded by dnicolle dnicolle
Source iNaturalist Australia
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds




March 2009


Voucher specimen D.Nicolle 5514 & M.E.French (original + F1 seedlings).

Mallet to 3 metres tall. Bark smooth throughout. Single-stems and no lignotubers seen, growing is vegetation 5+ years since fire. About 12 to 18 plants here, in mallee shrubland on slope of loam over sandstone with Eucalyptus redunca subsp. redunca, E. ecostata, E. uncinata, E. incrassata, E. pleurocarpa and E. lehmannii subsp. parallela.

Seedling leaves ovate, slightly discolorous, slightly glossy, dark green. Stems square, smooth.

Associated taxa