Photo 175153528, (c) Michel Beeckman, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Michel Beeckman

Attribution © Michel Beeckman
some rights reserved
Uploaded by michel_beeckman michel_beeckman
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds




October 23, 2016



Pileus: 19-30 mm; campanulate to convex, later with uplifted to revolute margin; smooth cuticle, sulcate with smooth centre; covered with floccose-filamentose velum, white of colour; dark grey with paler margin and darker reddish brown centre; hygrophanous.

Lamellae: Not very crowded when expanded, free, very narrow; grey at first, later black; entirely deliquescent.

Stipe: 38-58 × 1,5-2 mm; central, cilindrical, slightly tapering towards the pileus; longitudinally striate, densely covered with fibrillose squamules, denser towards the base, there with very dense fibrils and slight fibrillose annular zone; entirely white.

Context: Very thin; white, brownish in the foot and the centre of the pileus; hollow in the stipe.

Smell/Taste: Smells earthy; no taste recorded.


  • Spores: Amygdaliform, warty, excentric apiculus, central germpore; reddish brown, hyaline.
  • Measurements (1000x, oil-immersion, H2O, 1 sd=1,02 micron):
    8,16-9,18 × 5,10-6,12 micron.

Ecology: On small piece of burried broadleaf wood on very eutrophic, disturbed soil.

Associated taxa