Linda Lötjönen

Joined: Jun 6, 2023 Last Active: May 31, 2024 iNaturalist

Student of biology at the University of Eastern Finland.

Bird ringing licence 2022: birds of prey, woodpeckers, lapwing, curlew and jackdaw.

Volunteer at SANCCOP Cape Town 2023.

I am particularly interested in vertebrates, but my interest in invertebrates has also grown. With iNaturalist I became interested in nature photography, which I am now trying to learn. In the spring of 2024, I started photographing insects and now I'm trying to learn macro photography as well.

I also have trail cameras in the field, with which I try to photograph animals that are difficult to see in other ways. My goal is to collect as many animal species as possible around my home. It's especially interesting because I live in a rural area where there are and have been only few other observers. When I go out into nature, it always feels like I can find anything exiting there!

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