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Bellardia - Photo (c) mjcorreia, all rights reserved, uploaded by mjcorreia C
Genus Bellardia Info
Bellardia trixago is a species of flowering plant in the family Orobanchaceae (it has been formerly classified in the family Scrophulariaceae). Only member of the monotypic genus Bellardia, it is known as trixago bartsia or Mediterranean lineseed. This plant is native to the Mediterranean Basin, but it is known in other places with similar climates, such as California and parts of Chile, where it is an introduced species and noxious weed. (Wikipedia)
Mediterranean Lineseed - Photo (c) Alessandra Boccabianca, all rights reserved, uploaded by Alessandra Boccabianca C
Mediterranean Lineseed (Bellardia trixago) Info
Bellardia trixago is a species of flowering plant in the broomrape family known as trixago bartsia or Mediterranean lineseed. This plant is native to the Mediterranean Basin, but it is known in other places with similar climates, such as California and parts of Chile, where it is an introduced species and noxious weed. (Wikipedia)
Broadleaf Glandweed - Photo (c) David Hofmann, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND) CC
Broadleaf Glandweed (Parentucellia latifolia) Info
Parentucellia latifolia is a species of flowering plant in the broomrape family known by several common names, including red bartsia, red tarweed, and broadleaf glandweed. It is native to Europe, but it can be found on other continents, including Australia, as an introduced species. This is an erect annual herb producing a stiff, slender stem coated in hairs and sticky glands. It reaches a maximum height near 30 centimeters. The hairy leaves are divided into tri (Wikipedia)
Pollenia vespillo Info
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Bellardia polita Info
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Bellardia puberula Info
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