Photo 8612217, (c) Paul Taylor, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Paul Taylor

Attribution © Paul Taylor
some rights reserved
Uploaded by pgtips91 pgtips91
Source iNaturalist NZ
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Swift Moths (Family Hepialidae)




April 5, 2017 11:49 AM NZST


We had lots of moths in the house during the summer months with our windows open in the evenings to cool the house. This photograph was taken in the house on a bit of strapping and later on the bench top.

We have a large Puriri tree near to the house, the home of Kereru when the berries are ripe and apparently an army of Puriri moths judging by the numbers we had inside on hot summer evenings.

This photographed moth I initially lumped in with the Puriri moths but it is obviously not one. Due to the inadequate photography the identification is moot but I have labelled it Dumbletonius unimaculatus as a best guess.
