Photo 7864873, no rights reserved, uploaded by Peter de Lange

Attribution By Peter de Lange
no rights reserved
Uploaded by pjd1 pjd1
Source iNaturalist NZ
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds




August 23, 2009 03:15 PM NZST


Small infestation (and the only one I ever knew of) located around freshwater spring draining from Three Kings Lava flow into Meola Creek. Undoubtedly arose from deliberate plantings of aquarium stock (Cabomba also present here). Plants all destroyed by roadworks whilst North Western Motorway was being widened between 2015 and 2017.

I had identified the New Zealand material as H. angustifolia but my herbarium specimens have been referred to H. ringens by Paul Champion (NIWA).

Voucher: P. J. de Lange 7939, AK 305924/CHR 553121
