Photo 5231072, (c) Susan Streaser, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Susan Streaser

Attribution © Susan Streaser
some rights reserved
Uploaded by crayonsss crayonsss
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Brown Widow (Latrodectus geometricus)




September 21, 2016


Colorful spider, body about 1/2 inch long, hangs ventral side up in web, so orange hourglass shape on abdomen is clearly visible. Averse to light. Makes a web that hangs from objects like a one-sided tent. Web is not fragile, but strong almost like threads of plastic. These wbs are appearing all over my yard next to stairs and flower pots, and gas meter. I knocked them down, the webs wrap aroound a stick like cotton candy. If they are displacing the native Black widows, I don't want them around. The final photo is probably a female, with eggs in her abdomen, early October.

In October I found egg cases in garage, and behind the gas meter, where the largest web was. They are spiky, cream colored balls about 3/8 inch daimeter, including spikes.
