Photo 517765, (c) PeabodySherman, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by PeabodySherman

Attribution © PeabodySherman
some rights reserved
Uploaded by peabodysherman peabodysherman
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Wrinkled Tunicate (Pyura haustor)




September 20, 2013 03:30 PM PDT


Warty sea squirt (tunicate), Pyura haustor

Rip-rap rocks, adjacent to floating fishing dock, Boat Channel, Marine Corps Recruit Depot (MCRD), San Diego Bay, San Diego, California

Collected from the underside of a rock during low tide.

Epibionts, sediment, and debris removed (rub and plucked with forceps) from outer body (tunic) to exposed tunicate body for photography, tunicate placed in tray with bay water,

failed attempt to photo siphons to show interior red color of siphon tips, animal would not relax siphon tips

photo shows wide base for attachment (flat and pink area), over-all red-brown coloration, elongated separated siphons with atrial? siphon directed at right angle, warty surface, some epibionts and debris still on animal
