Photo 435503, (c) Royal Tyler, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA), uploaded by Royal Tyler

Attribution © Royal Tyler
some rights reserved
Uploaded by royaltyler royaltyler
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Three-toed Box Turtle (Terrapene triunguis)




July 2013


Brad 'Bones' Glorioso says: This is what most people call the Three-toed box turtle, a subspecies of the Eastern Box Turtle group. Sex can be most easily determined in an adult by examining the Iris color. Bright orange to red is male...tan to brown is female. The plastron of males are slightly concave compared to females to aid in mounting the female during reproduction. This individual looks pretty old as her annuli, or growth rings, have worn to the point of not able to be discerned. But because they can live for many decades, perhaps over 100 years, it is hard to tell any precise age.
