Photo 3074583, (c) memopob, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by memopob

Attribution © memopob
some rights reserved
Uploaded by memopob memopob
Source iNaturalist NZ
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


South Island Fernbird (Poodytes punctatus ssp. punctatus)




December 15, 2007


Lucky enough to catch a pair in one frame.
Almost everytime I go out in the field I hear or see these little chaps. My impression is they are doing just fine, they are just often not recognised or seen. Widespread in Nelson's scrublands.
Their call of 'ti' is so rapidly responded to by a partner that unless you are between them it seems for all the world like a two note call.
Friendly, and always curious to see who is 'invading' their territory.
