Photo 246296220, (c) peptolab, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

Attribution © peptolab
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Uploaded by peptolab peptolab
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

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March 27, 2022 05:31 PM EDT


Synchaeta pectinata Ehrenberg, 1832 from the acidic fresh water kettle pond Chatfield's Hole. This species found warmer and inshore waters. I took my friend Katinka who was visiting the USA from the Czech Republic to sample some of my sites and we sampled mud from a different part of the pond than I usually sample. After one week it is starting to yield some interesting ciliates as well as this rotifer.
Imaging in Nomarski DIC using Olympus BH2 under SPlan 20x and 40x objectives plus variable phone cropping on Samsung Galaxy S9 +.
Synchaeta Ehrenberg, 1832
Class Monogonontate: Order Ploimida: Family Synchaetidae (ref. ID; 6806)
ref. ID; 822
This genus was erected to comprise three pelagic, essentially freshwater, illoricate rotifers, S. pectinata Ehrenberg, S. oblonga Ehrenberg, and S. tremula (O.F. Muller). Since 1832, 41 additional Synchaeta species have been described as new and several of these have been formally divided into subspecies or varieties. Approximately 36 of the nominal 44 species are generally recognized as valid. About 40% of the approximately 36 recognized Synchaeta species have been encountered in brackish water or marine habitats. Eighteen species could be considered truly marine (normally occurring in salinities greater than 25 0/00 S).
