Photo 182557961, (c) Dan Blamey, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Dan Blamey

Attribution © Dan Blamey
some rights reserved
Uploaded by headsoup headsoup
Source iNaturalist Australia
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds




March 13, 2022 12:02 AM AEDT


How to key with Gauld:

  • Spiracle placed 0.6 of the way along the 1st tergite
  • 2m-cu with a single bulla
  • Female with non-rigid ovipositor sheath (if long)/subgenital plate not triangular in profile. Male without elongate, spine-like gonosquama
  • Gaster with tergites 2-4 depressed, tarsal claws never pectinate
  • Hind leg with fifth tarsal segment more than 1.5 times as long as the second, flagellum slightly clavate

  • Mandible long and slender, labrum exceptionally large. Ovipositor very short (as seen here)
    -> To LABIUM

Labium species keyed with Turner & Waterston:

  • Antennae more than 30-jointed
  • Face and clypeus not entirely fused or in the same plane, scarcely pilose (hairy)
  • Hind empodia elongate, at least two-thirds of the length of the tarsal ungues (claws), mesonotum (mesoscutum) without broad black facia on each side
  • Mesonotum (propodeum) shining, smooth or finely punctured.
    Dentiparal area unarmed, or at most with inconspicuous tooth (i.e. around apophyses)

  • Flagellum of antenna always with several apical joints ferruginous or ochraceous (orange)
  • Dentiparal area more coarsely sculptured than the external or both smooth and shining
  • Hind femora ferruginous
  • Antenna more than 40-jointed
  • Mandibles simple (not bi-dentate)
  • Dentiparal area armed, the carinae strongly raised forming small teeth at the outer angles
  • Antenna 47-jointed, face yellow, closely and evenly punctured
    -> To L. approximatum

This seems to match with the gbif record here fairly well:

@dhobern, @maddigiannotta, thoughts?

I have collected the specimen and can provide higher resolution and further photos.
