Photo 171058552, (c) Arturo Santos, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Arturo Santos

Attribution © Arturo Santos
some rights reserved
Uploaded by aispinsects aispinsects
Source iNaturalist
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Photos / Sounds


Blackbottle (Protophormia terraenovae)




November 22, 2021 08:41 AM EST


Male. 9 mm. Head slightly longer on horizontal axis at vibrissa than at antennae. Front at vertex about 0.21 times head width. Parafrontals dark gray pollinose over black integument above, some light gray pollen visible on lower portion into parafacials, with numerous black setulae throughout extending down the parafacial to about half its length. Frontal vitta black, at middle 3 times as wide as parafacials, expanding at apical third to 1.3 times as wide. Inner vertical pair of setae well-developed but broken off. Outer vertical pair absent. Postocellar setae undifferentiated. Ocellar setae present, developed, proclinate, situated between posterior and anterior ocelli. Frontal setae in about 11 thinly developed pairs, all inclinate, at most 1 pair descending below antennal bases. Orbital setae absent. Face flat, dark grayish pollinose over black, without a carina separating antennae. Lower facial margin not produced forward. Vibrissa well-developed, crossed. Facial ridge with tight row of hairs on lower half. Parafacials dark grayish pollinose, only haired on upper half due to continuation from the parafrontal vetiture, the narrowest portion about half as wide as the face. Antennae about two thirds as long as the face, entirely blackish brown, pruinose, about 2.5 times as long as pedicel. Arista plumose, branches about as long as width of antennae, apical half light brown, about as long as first flagellomere, first aristomere minute, second about as long as wide. Gena dark gray pollinose, clothed with dark setulae, about a fourth eye height. Eyes bare. Proboscis short, length about 0.6 times head height. Palpi present, well-developed, yellow. Genal dilation large, well-developed. Occiput with entirely dark hairs.
Thorax metallic dark green and blue and scutellum metallic dark blue over black integument, without vittae. Pleura dark gray pollinose, densely clothed with long, dark setulae. Anterior thoracic spiracle blackish, oval. Posterior thoracic spiracle black. Chaetotaxy: acrostichal undifferentiated except for prescutellar pair, but presutural area with sparse long hairs not organized in complete rows and translucent in color; dorsocentral 2+3, anterior postsutural closer to suture than middle dorsocentral; intraalar 1+2; posthumerals 1+1; presutural 1; humeral 3, with numerous black posteriorly; notopleural 2, with numerous black setulae; supraalar 3, anterior large and stout; postalar 2; prosternum with several scattered setae; proepisternum clothed with dark hairs; proepimeron with numerous setae, all directed upward; anepisternum with posterior series of 7-10 setae, without anterodorsal setae; katepisternal 3, arranged 2+1; katepimeron bare; anepimeron without setae, but covered in dark hairs; meron with row of 7 setae; patch of infrasquamal hairs near scutellum present; scutellum with 5 pairs of setae total, including small prebasal, one larger basal, one lateral that is subequal to basal, apical pair present and large, seldom crossed, discal pair present, disc covered with numerous black setulae, without subapical rows of setae.
Legs stout, uniformly black, densely haired black on the femora. Chaetotaxy: T1 with 5 d, 1 p. F2 with 3 a; T2 with 1 long v, 3 ad, 2 pd. Cx3 bare.T3 with 3 av, 4-5 ad, 2 pd. Fore tarsi with tarsomeres normal. Claws dark, those and pulvilli short on all legs.
Wings hyaline. Subcostal sclerite with several thin, black setae. Vein R1 bare. Vein R4+5 basally with 13 setae dorsally and 6 ventrally, dorsally extending to 0.4 times the distance to crossvein r-m, ventrally no further than a sixth. Crossvein r-m strongly oblique, with anterior end towards wing base. M ending at wing margin about 0.75 times length of crossvein r-m away from vein R4+5, bend angle minutely less than that of a right angle, with a very minute spur vein as a continuation, crossvein dm-cu strongly sinuate, joining M about 0.75 times distance from crossvein r-m to bend, wing margin farther from bend of M than the bend of M is from crossvein dm-cu, vein CuA1 with distal section about 0.2 times the length of the preceding section. Vein A1 not reaching wing margin. Costal spine undifferentiated. Tegula and basicosta black. Upper and lower calypters small, slightly obscured, pale brown pruinose, border dark brown, with marginal fringe of brown hairs. Upper calypter with black setulae-like hairs on dorsal surface. Lower calypter without these hairs.
Abdomen about as wide as thorax, entirely shining dark green and blue, covered in appressed black setulae except in tergite 5 where black setulae may be erect. Middorsal depression on syntergite 1+2 extending two thirds of distance to hind margin of segment, without any discal or marginal setae. Tergite 3 without discal setae, either with 1 very weak pair of median marginal setae or without any marginal setae. Tergite 4 without discal setae, with 14-15 marginal setae. Tergite 5 covered in irregularly arranged discal and marginal vestiture, long and erect. Sternites 1-5 exposed, not covered by tergites, dark grayish black in color.

Very excited to acquire a more temperate species of fly that a much wider demographic may encounter, as opposed to some obscure Florida restricted fly. This species appears to be very desiccation resistant as an adult.
Morphological terminology is annoying, the presutural area of the thorax is convoluted among taxonomic works. The posthumeral system is much more intuitive than the "presutural anterior intra-alar" system that McAlpine and the Canada JAI Pollenia key uses (and O'Hara agrees). This is because the presutural setae are not neatly organized into rows of setar as well as the postsutural region. It is better to refer to the setae immediately around the postpronota/humeri using a different system than the intraalar/supraalar system. They are used here as a formula "Posthumeral [# of anterior posthumeral]+[# of posterior]" where "anterior posthumeral" are synonymous with inner posthumeral and anterior intra alar. "Posterior posthumeral" are synonymous with outer posthumeral and anterior supra alar.
