Photo 15636044, (c) Christine Sydes, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Christine Sydes

Attribution © Christine Sydes
some rights reserved
Uploaded by tuli tuli
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Banded-legged Golden Orb-web Spider (Trichonephila senegalensis ssp. annulata)




November 19, 2014


Jubilation as white fuzz becomes brown fuzz

Mma Spider, heroine of spot deposited what was believed to be her 2nd batch of eggs in the canopy of a Jacaranda tree on the 2nd May ,since that date the protective green canopy has withered and fallen leaving just a few brown remnant attached by web to the fuzzy white egg ball, initially with dry leaflets but then just a few leaf stalks, and so it has remained for months so imagine my amazement and delight when a passing glance (more out of habit than expectation) revealed not the familiar, forlorn-looking, white fuzzy ball but an elongated brown fuzzy mass.

I don't know precisely when they hatched but some of the tight mass of spiderlings observed at lunchtime were already into their second skins. The mass spread out a little during the heat of the afternoon but appeared to contract again, to a certain extent, as evening approached.

Moral of the tale - one should never abandon hope
