Photo 15331940, (c) Christine Sydes, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Christine Sydes

Attribution © Christine Sydes
some rights reserved
Uploaded by tuli tuli
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Southern Crested Francolin (Ortygornis sephaena ssp. sephaena)




September 11, 2012


Crested francolin

Crested francolins cautiously enter the garden each morning, grubbing about at the base of the vegetation, easilly identifiable by dark cap and rich brown back streaked with bold white feather shafts. This particular individual was rudely
awakened by a prolonged gust of wind which sent him scurrying for shelter. The red legs bear strong, sharply pointed red spurs about 2 cm long (as I discovered when I caught and released a couple of them that had got into my chicken run - I guess they didn't know I was trying to help them)
