Photo 1421317, (c) Tony Wills, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA), uploaded by Tony Wills

Attribution © Tony Wills
some rights reserved
Uploaded by tony_wills tony_wills
Source iNaturalist NZ
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Red Cod (Pseudophycis bachus)




December 14, 2014 05:52 PM NZDT


Found a dozen similar dead fish on the beach as the tide went out. I only searched a few hundred metres of shoreline looking for them, there may have been more.
Earlier there had been large numbers of gulls, shags, terns and other seabirds feeding 20 to 100 metres from shore, not sure whether the two events are related. Gulls were finishing off the fish remains, a couple were still in the surf. Not sure whether all the fish were the same species, but will post 3 separate observations, let me know if some should be split into more observations.

See also 1130147, 1130153
