Photo 127935194, no rights reserved, uploaded by Kate Manning

Attribution By Kate Manning
no rights reserved
Uploaded by creaturecalledkate creaturecalledkate
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Idaho Milkvetch (Astragalus conjunctus)


May 9, 2021 11:29 AM PDT


Oregon, US (Google, OSM)


Plants herbaceous, scapose, stems arising from an exposed root crown; inflorescence a pedunculate raceme; flowers papilionaceous, perfect and zygomorphic; corolla white to distally purple, tubular (connate) with 5 lobes; connate calyx with 5 tooth-like lobes; 10 diadelphous stamens (connate filaments in 2 groups), hypogynous.

Pinnately compound leaves (odd pinnate leaflets), estipulate, strigillose (short bristly hairs), leaflets are linear to oblong-oblanceolate with upward rolled margins.
