
Carassius auratus

Description 2

Goldfish is a relatively small member of the Sharanov family , which is the largest freshwater family in the world and perhaps the largest representation of a family of vertebrates . Besides goldfish, other representatives minnow , chub , shiner , Danios , carp and what .

Selective breeding over the centuries has led to many different color variations, some quite different from the basic "golden" color. There are different body shapes, fins and eyes configuration . Some "extreme" forms of goldfish can only be kept indoors in aquariums and are not as durable as the common goldfish . But there are varieties such as Shubunkin , which are very durable and can be seen in outdoor aquariums.

Goldfishes can change color depending on the light. They produce a pigment depending on the light they are exposed to.

They reach a maximum length of 16 - 20 cm. In normal conditions can live 10-15 years, [6] but most goldfish who have pets live less than six or eight years, due to bad conditions (such as breeding in small round aquarium). When seen well, many goldfish in aquariums live up to 30-35 years. [7] The oldest goldfish lived ever was 49 years old.] </ Ref>

Like all petfish, goldfish do not like being touched. In fact, touching them can be very dangerous to their health, because they can be removed from the protective mucous membrane, which detects their skin for infection by parasites or bacteria in the water.

If left in the dark, the golden fish will become almost gray, as it produces pigment when exposed to light. Fish have chromate cells that produce a pigment that reflects light and gives coloring. The color of the goldfish is determined by what pigment there is in the cells, whether the pigment is grouped inside the cells or is located in the cytoplasm . That's why it's normal for a goldfish to look pale in the morning, and for a long time to lose light to lose color.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Aleksandar, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA), uploaded by Aleksandar
  2. (c) Aleksandar, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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Sliv Belog Drima, Drine, Dunava, Egejskog mora, Južne Morave, Kolubare, Save, Timoka, Velike Morave, Zapadne Morave