Carpathian Brook Lamprey

Eudontomyzon danfordi

Description 1

The Carpathian brook lamprey grows to a maximum length of 35 centimetres (14 in). It is a long eel-like fish and its girth is greatest in the middle. It is a uniform silvery-olive colour. It has no jaws and the mouth is surrounded by an oral plate with many small blunt teeth. There are cartilaginous plates inside the mouth and the central, lingual plate has nine to thirteen teeth, a fact that distinguishes it from other lamprey species. The single nostril is between the eyes and seven naked gill pores are behind them. The only fins are two dorsal fins that run most of the way along the spine, and a small diamond-shaped tail fin.

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  1. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),

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