Rose-ringed Parakeet / கிளி / Kili

Psittacula krameri

Size 2

42 cm

Description 2

This pale green parakeet is one of most familiar of birds of India, and is as much at home in the countryside as in towns and villages. It has a short, heavy, deeply-hooked red bill, and a long blue-green tail. Only the male has the rose-pink ring around the neck that merges with a black chin stripe. It is often seen on farms in large, noisy flocks which can be very destructive of crops and fruit which it eats. It is said that if a farmer plants a millet crop, he is bound to play host to parakeets. They will also gather at railway stations and goods sheds, waiting to bite into sacks of grain and groundnuts. Its flight is very swift and direct, with rapid wing beats. Its call is a loud, sharp screaming, keeak, keaak, keaak which it utters both at rest and on the wing. At dusk small groups can be seen most days flying westwards over the town to its communal roost at Rangammal Hospital, a roost it shares with crows and mynas.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) The Forest Way Trust, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA), uploaded by The Forest Way Trust
  2. (c) The Forest Way Trust, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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