Eastern Heather Vole

Phenacomys ungava

Description 2

Eastern heather voles are relatively small among vole species, measuring 11 to 15 cm (4.3 to 5.9 in) from nose to tail and weighing between 15 and 47 g (0.53 and 1.66 oz). They are very similar in appearance to the western heather vole, and can only be distinguished from them by subtle features of the coat color and the shape of the skull.

The fur is long and soft. The coat is brownish with a slight yellowish wash over the back and head, with pale grey underparts and feet, and brighter, almost russet, fur on the rump and flanks. The face and snout of adults have a more pronounced yellowish cast, contrasting with the rest of the head and body. The tail is short, measuring about a quarter of the animal's total length, and is paler underneath than on the upper surface. The ears are very small, and barely visible above the long fur.

Males have scent glands on their flanks, which can reach up to 28 mm (1.1 in) across. Females have eight teats.

Ecology and behaviour 2

Eastern heather voles are herbivorous, feeding on plant leaves and berries, especially blueberries, in summer and the bark, seeds, and buds of willows and shrubs in winter. They are among the few vertebrates capable of eating the bark of sheep laurel, and may play an important ecological role in recycling nutrients from this otherwise toxic source.

Predators include owls, hawks and carnivorous mammals, such as weasels and martens. They are active year-round, mainly near dusk or at night.

In summer, they live in underground burrows. The burrow consists of a single tunnel ending in a nest about 10 cm (3.9 in) across, located about 20 to 25 cm (7.9 to 9.8 in) below ground, and a separate latrine chamber. The nest chamber is lined with grass or other plant material. In winter, they inhabit larger nests constructed of leaves and twigs, and located above ground, where they can be protected by surrounding snow. They store food for later use year-round, placing it near the entrance to their burrows, in crevices or under rocks.

Sources and Credits

  1. Internet Archive Book Images, no known copyright restrictions (public domain), http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:The_Canadian_field-naturalist_(1942)_(20519777965).jpg
  2. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA), http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eastern_heather_vole

More Info

Range Map

iNat Map

Animal Mammal
Color brown
Mammal Cricetidae (vole lemming & muskrat)