Mourning Dove

Zenaida macroura

Summary 2

The Mourning Dove (Zenaida macroura) is a member of the dove family (Columbidae). The bird is also called the Turtle Dove or the American Mourning Dove or Rain Dove, and formerly was known as the Carolina Pigeon or Carolina Turtledove. It is one of the most abundant and widespread of all North American birds. It is also the leading gamebird, with more than 20 million birds (up to 70 million in some years) shot annually in...

Zenaida macroura 3

A medium-sized (12 inches) dove, the Mourning Dove is most easily identified by its grayish-tan body, speckled back, black “ear” patch behind the eye, and long pointed tail. This species may be distinguished from the similar White-winged Dove (Zenaida asiatica) by that species’ blue eye-stripes, rounded tail, and white wing patches. Male and female Mourning Doves are similar to one another in all seasons. The Mourning Dove breeds across much of the North American continent south of southern Canada. Northerly-breeding populations migrate south to southern Mexico and Central America during the winter, whereas populations breeding further south in the U.S.and Mexico are non-migratory. Other non-migratory populations exist in the West Indies and at scattered locations in Central America. Mourning Doves inhabit a number of habitats across this species’ wide range, including woodland edges, bushy fields, meadows, and scrubland. This species has also adapted to living near humans, and visits agricultural fields as well as urban and suburban areas where food is available. Mourning Doves almost exclusively eat seeds and grains. Throughout the North American continent, Mourning Doves may be seen foraging for food on the ground or perched on trees limbs, fence posts, and power lines. This species’ call, a melancholy “COO-coo, coo, coo,” and the whistle made by the wings of these birds as they fly, are an integral part of the avian soundscape across most of North America. This is also one of the most common backyard birds, known for regularly visiting bird feeders and building its nest on porch lights and inside hanging plants. Mourning Doves are primarily active during the day.

Threat Status: Least concern

Observed Abundance 4

Spring - Abundant – should be seen easily
Summer - Abundant – should be seen easily
Fall - Abundant – should be seen easily
Winter - Abundant – should be seen easily


Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Michael D Fox, all rights reserved, uploaded by Michael D Fox
  2. Adapted by Michael D Fox from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),
  3. (c) Unknown, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA),
  4. (c) Michael D Fox, all rights reserved

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