Pink Waxcap

Hygrocybe calyptriformis

Description 5

The domed CAP, 2.5 to 6cm in diameter, is pale pink or lilac and at first narrowly conical; the surface is dry and silky except during or immediately after rain when it is only slightly sticky (lubricious). As it matures, the cap usually splits. The cap flesh is white but tinged pink just below the cuticle. GILLS are rose pink when young, the closely-spaced adnate gills become paler with age. The STEM is white, sometimes flushed lightly with the same pink colour as the cap, especially near the apex; tending to split very easily. Level, smooth, dry; no stem ring; white stem flesh.

More well known in the UK where it grows in unimproved fields. In the northwest it is found in coastal forests south of Cresent City, CA. It is easily identified as the only pink conical waxy cap.

Summary 6

Porpolomopsis calyptriformis is a species of agaric (gilled mushroom) in the family Hygrophoraceae. It has been given the recommended English name of Pink Waxcap in the UK. The species has a north temperate distribution, occurring in grassland in Europe and in woodland in North America and northern Asia. It typically produces basidiocarps (fruit bodies) in the autumn. In many European countries, P. calyptriformis is of conservation concern, appearing on national red li

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Christian Schwarz, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Christian Schwarz
  2. (c) Leslie Flint, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Leslie Flint
  3. (c) Donna Pomeroy, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Donna Pomeroy
  4. (c) Alan Rockefeller, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Alan Rockefeller
  5. (c) W.Coyote, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)
  6. Adapted by W.Coyote from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),

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iNat Map

Color pinkish
Relationship unknown
Viscid cap
Habitat Forest
Tags conical cap